Opening of India Smart Utility Week 2023

Opening of India Smart Utility Week 2023


Ir. Eddie Widiono, MM., M.Sc

Founder and Supervisory Board of PJCI and President Director PLN 2001-2008


?Wednesday, 1st March 2023

?10.00 AM India Time


Invited by India Smart Grid Forum and Indonesia Smart Grid Initiatives, we go to learn internationally on this International Conference and Exhibition on Smart Energy and Smart Mobility or we know India Smart Utility Week 2023. ISUW 2023 will include plenaries, interactive workshops, keynotes, technical sessions, technical paper presentations, tutorials and technical tours.


Speakers Invited

1. Agus Kuswardoyo – EVP Distrbution Transmission PT PLN (Persero)*

2. Eddie Widiono – Founder and supervisory board PJCI


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